The perfect Derma Peel and BioRepeel are two innovative medical peels that we offer at Flash. Both peels provide effective exfoliating, regenerating, and stimulating treatments for a variety of skin problems and for all skin types.
It is imperative that to prepare your skin safely and effectively for a chemical peel that you use a complete clinical skin care regimen for a minimum of 14 days. This prep period allows the skin to become used to different exfoliating ingredients and acids. Prepping the skin beforehand also allows the melanin levels (color) in your skin to become regulated and receive the peel safely. The client needs to wear proper sunscreen during the prep period.
You will be asked to discontinue use of Retin A, Retinols, Vitamin A creams and other topic medications for 3-5 days before your chemical peel. It is required that you wear a sunscreen daily and use the appropriate home care topical products.
It is suggested when scheduling this treatment to allow some down time just in case the skin exfoliation is more than expected. Even though there may be anticipated peeling, the skin, at various stages of progress, may experience heavier sloughing. Usually this is never more than 1 or 2 days. However, some clients don’t peel at all, and some can peel up to 10 days. Whether your skin peels a little, a lot or not at all doesn’t mean the treatment was or wasn’t affective. It is impossible to predict exactly what may happen to the skin. Listed is a general description of what to anticipate.
• Immediately following the treatment, the skin will feel very smooth and tight.
• The skin will generally begin peeling in 2 to 3 days; however, peeling can take place anytime for the next 7 days.
• The skin does not always visibly peel. It may take 2 to 3 treatments for this to happen. There are many other advantages from a skin peel.
• Benefits from these procedures may be smoother and softer skin, a healthier glow, less oil, more moisture, refined pores, an improvement in discoloration, diminished fine lines and increased acne control.
• Please keep in mind that an average of 3 chemical peels are recommended (4-6 weeks apart for Derma peel and 1 week apart for BioRepeel) to achieve significant improvement in the appearance and condition of the skin. After the series of treatments are completed to maintain the results, the client should stay on a complete daily skin regimen and return every 4-8 weeks for a professional exfoliation treatment.

• DO NOT wash your face for 8 hours
• Do not overheat your skin for 48 hours after the chemical peel: this includes, sweating, exercising, extremely hot showers, or blow-dryers.
• ONLY use mineral make-up for 48 hours following the chemical peel
• DO NOT at any time pick at peeling or sloughing skin
• DO NOT use a washcloth on your face or a scrub for 7 days

Superficial skin peeling is designed to remove epidermal layers of skin using an appropriate acid solution. This type of peeling is used to help “dry out” active acne, reduce shallow wrinkling and scarring, in some cases lighten hyper pigmented areas (dark patches), and to improve the overall appearance and health of sun- damaged and aging skin.
Before the acid is applied, it is necessary to prepare and de-fat the skin. This is accomplished in part by cleansing and using a prep solution. You may be given a small handheld fan which may lessen some of the stinging sensation when the solutions are applied. This discomfort lasts usually for about 5 to 10 minutes.
When the treatment is finished, the skin may have a frosted white appearance. This is caused from the solution and usually fades within a few hours. The skin may also be very red or have little dark spots for dark skin and feel sensitive over the next 24 hours. The skin becomes very tight and dry and there may be very slight swelling. This is normal.

** The outcome of the peel depends solely on YOU!

No picking at the skin. Do not expose treated areas to direct sunlight for 2 weeks. 4 weeks is better and never getting direct sun is, of course, optimal.