Laser Hair Removal
Flash Beauty & Medspa uses Cutera YAG laser which treats a wide variety of hair types and skin types.
Laser hair removal is FDA-approved as permanent hair reduction. On average 6-8 treatments are necessary to reduce the hair growth by approximately 95%.
Most clients will need touch-ups after they complete the 6-8 treatments. Touchups are an average of once a year, however females with male patterned hair growth may need touch-ups more frequent to keep the hair reduced by 95%. Keep in mind that hair growth is instigated by many different internal causes; some examples are hormonal fluctuations, stress, medications, and weight gain. These factors are what will determine how many touch-ups you will need and how often.
• Face: Every 4-6 weeks
• Midsection (includes bikini and arms): Every 6-8 weeks
• Legs: Every 8-10 weeks
** The treatments only work on active growing hairs. This means if you come in with less than 15% hair growth it is a waste of a treatment and your money. Please call us before the day of your appointment to reschedule for another 2-4 weeks out when this applies to you.
• Avoid the sun for 10 days before and 10 days after the treatment. You must avoid bleaching hair 1 week prior to treatment.
• NO plucking, waxing or depilatory crème for 7-10 days prior to treatment. You may continue to shave.
• Arrive for the appointment with the area cleanly shaven; this includes the fine baby hairs
• Any make-up, moisturizer, sunscreen, etc. must be removed from the area to be treated.
• Avoid sitting in any direct sunlight for 48 hours.
• Always wear sunscreen when any sun exposure is possible (SPF 30 with UVA/UVB protection) DO NOT shave for 48 hours after each treatment
• DO NOT pluck or wax in between treatments. ONLY SHAVE
• If the treatment causes mild folliculitis (white heads) this isn’t an adverse reaction so don’t worry. Apply some alcohol or acne products to the white heads for 2-3 days and it should go away.
• If any blistering scabbing occurs (extremely rare), please call us immediately. If this happens and it is after office hours apply Neosporin and sunblock to the area until you get in contact with us.
For the next two weeks or so, it may appear as though the hair is still growing but it is falling out. Once the hairs have fallen out, you should be hair free for a couple weeks and then the next hair cycle will begin to grow.
For this reason, you may notice that some treatments work better than others.
Laser hair removal is uncomfortable for some patients. It is described to feel like a rubber band snapping against the skin with a hot sensation. We can give you ice to numb the area and minimize the discomfort if you request.
**The laser hair removal treatments will not fade the hyperpigmentation or scarring you have gotten from your unwanted hair growth. We can recommend products that help correct uneven skin tone.